Want to quit? Good. Learn to shape your life without fear at work at home in relationships and beyond. _Compelling_ (Cal Newport) _Liberating_ (Amy Dickinson) and _as entertaining as it is important_ (Steven Levitt). Simone Biles quit the Olympics. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle quit The Firm. Millions of people have quit their jobs seeking happiness and defining success on their own terms. Is it a mistake? As Pulitzer prize winning journalist Julia Keller found out its not. And in fact it might even save your life. Diving into the neuroscience of nope and the cultural messages that drive our reluctance to throw in the towel Keller dismantles the myth of perseverance once and for all. Because grit isnt always great. Sticking it out doesnt always pay off. And quitting can be an unexpected act of self love. Quitting: A Life Strategy reminds us that in order to live meaningful satisfying lives we have to be able to say _no_ full stop. With Kellers guidance readers will learn: The art of the quasi quit. How quitting makes space for key breakthroughs. Why bootstrapping is a lie. How to manage guilt and shame. Edición: 1 Idioma: INGLES 256 Páginas